Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Last but not least my sweet little Pumpkin. The doctors now consider her a failure to thrive baby. It has been a long and stressfull road and we still have not been able to get her to eat well and gain weight. At 4 months old she is only 11.10lbs and she started out at 9.7lbs!! But I couldn't ask for a sweeter baby....smiles and giggles all the time....only cries when she is hungry or messy. Everyone please pray that we can get her to gain weight and that there is not a more serious problem that we don't know about.

1 comment:

Laurie said...

Nice pictures, Jenn! We will pray for Genevieve and hope it's not too tiresome and difficult for you too. Hang in there! What a row of teeth Sandy has in that one picture! haha