Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Last but not least my sweet little Pumpkin. The doctors now consider her a failure to thrive baby. It has been a long and stressfull road and we still have not been able to get her to eat well and gain weight. At 4 months old she is only 11.10lbs and she started out at 9.7lbs!! But I couldn't ask for a sweeter baby....smiles and giggles all the time....only cries when she is hungry or messy. Everyone please pray that we can get her to gain weight and that there is not a more serious problem that we don't know about.

Of course I could not post pictures of Luke without posting some of my drama queen. Everytime you tell her to smile for a picture she has to do some glam pose...no simple sweet smile...gotta love her.

Once agian here is my son in the dirt....they're best friends. I don't think he could make it through the day if he was not able to play in the dirt, much to my despair.

For those of you who have never been to our property, here is a couple of pictures of our orchard and our back pasture.